Next shopping Sunday: 2-3-2025 in Beringe . For sale and cheap, cheaper the cheapest in brocante - vintage furniture, industrial furniture and rough from the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. The points of sale of the furniture are in Beringe, the Netherlands, near the A67. Next shopping Sunday: 2-3-2025 in Beringe NL. Take a look at Teakpaleis with its huge stock of teak furniture and brocante, vintage, industrial furniture such as a coffee table, shop cabinet, cupboard, table, sideboard, TV cabinet, sideboard, glass cabinet.
Selling as a wholesaler of Industrial and vintage furniture.
Due to our large collection of Industrial and vintage furniture, we at Teakpaleis in Beringe NL sell a lot to traders, shopkeepers, retailers, catering companies, etc.
Teakpaleis: the wholesaler of furniture. If you have a registration with the Chamber of Commerce showing that you are a reseller, slightly different prices apply.
Teakpaleis, the wholesaler of Industrial and vintage furniture, also provides complete interiors for e.g. catering companies, shops, bakeries, etc. throughout the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany.
All our prices for wholesale are collection prices and excl. VAT. The wholesale prices are given the first time during a visit and not by email!
The same applies to export abroad. When exporting, it is very important that you can show an official document of registration with the tax authorities and the VAT number of the country to which it must be exported.
For more information, please call Fred from Teakpaleis on +31(0)651404793.