Next shopping Sunday: 2-3-2025 in Beringe . For sale and cheap, cheaper the cheapest in brocante - vintage furniture, industrial furniture and rough from the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. The points of sale of the furniture are in Beringe, the Netherlands, near the A67. Next shopping Sunday: 2-3-2025 in Beringe NL. Take a look at Teakpaleis with its huge stock of teak furniture and brocante, vintage, industrial furniture such as a coffee table, shop cabinet, cupboard, table, sideboard, TV cabinet, sideboard, glass cabinet.
Information about the transport of our industrial vintage and brocante furniture.
We are a Cash & Carry outlet furniture store, which sells furniture at very competitive prices. You can of course take the selected furniture that is in stock with you immediately.
We prefer that you take the vintage, brocante and/or industrial furniture with you immediately after purchase or pick it up yourself at a later time with your own car, trailer or bus.Due to the high wages and diesel prices, transport costs have risen enormously these days. As a tip, I would therefore like to give you that if you do not have a trailer or bus available yourself, it is best to rent a trailer or bus to pick up the furniture. This saves considerably on costs than if you have it transported by a transport company. If you want to order the cabinet and pick it up later than within a week, we would like to receive a deposit of around 20%.
If you really are not able to take your furniture with you yourself, or to pick it up at a later time, we have the following option: We have various addresses that you can contact YOURSELF. They will collect the furniture from Teakpaleis and deliver it neatly to your home. When the furniture is collected by a transport company that you have arranged yourself, we want to receive payment first, before the furniture is transported. Teakpaleis is therefore not responsible for the transport. If the cabinet or cabinets are picked up within a week, you do not have to pay a deposit.
You can exchange your purchased furniture for other furniture within 2 weeks with valid reasons. We do not accept returns of treated and/or processed furniture. You can only exchange untreated and original furniture. We cannot collect this purchased furniture ourselves. You will have to come to us to exchange the furniture yourself. If you choose a cheaper item, you will receive a credit note for the difference. This credit note is only valid for one year.
Furniture that has been on offer or that has been sold at a discount cannot be exchanged.
Teak Palace large Möbel Lager, 10 Km above the Grenze near Venlo
Gut zu fahren, located on the A67.